POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Performance Win98 vs WinNT : Performance Win98 vs WinNT Server Time
2 Nov 2024 17:18:01 EDT (-0400)
  Performance Win98 vs WinNT  
From: Chris Fieldhouse
Date: 23 Oct 2001 15:09:52
Message: <3BD5C089.7FAD234E@dev.tivoli.com>

I am trying out the Povray 3.6 beta 6 on 2 machine and I noticed an
performance difference when rendering quite a complex scene (very large
meshes involved).

Machine 1)
    Pentium II 333 MHz, Win98, 256M ram (Virtual memory 128M)
Machine 2)
    Pentium III 500 MHz, WinNT 4.0 sp6, 128M ram (Virtual memory 256M).

The issue being that Machine 1, is much faster than Machine 2, even
though M2 has the better and faster CPU. I know it could be the memory
difference, but not such a performance degradation as observed. When
rendering the same image the Win98 can render at 1280x1024 AA 0.3 and
still beat the WinNT rendering at 800x600 AA 0.3.

Has there been any benchmark comparison between versions of windows

I'll happily make the scene available for test purposes.


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